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No Fear! You already work in workstreams - daily.

Your Work Routines

What the heck?! Workstream basics.

You might wonder: “What the heck are they talking about!?! What is a workstream anyway?”. That’s a legitimate question, but we won’t tell you! Just kidding!

When you look at your daily work, you will soon observe that you are not working on just one topic with the same people every day (If you do, you can leave now, because yowork will not help you!).

A lot of us rather work on different topics with changing teams and not even in "real" projects. This is important, since yowork is not another project management tool!

For example, you are part of a product development team, the marketing team, the management team etc. All teams collaborate on separate topics in separate workstreams. With different communication channels and different team members (internal and external).

Meaning: Working with yowork does not require you to work in workstreams from now on. You already do!

yowork helps you to structure, visualize and keep track of your organization's workstreams. This creates more productivity for you and your team(s)! Okay, and our cool features also add to it!

love your workstreams
work in workstreams
Focus on Results

Get the workstream black belt!

There are many ways to use workstreams: Use it for your daily collaboration in your team, for small projects, for task forces, for any meeting series, for your department’s jour fixes, for regular team or board meetings, for working towards a certain goal, to integrate remote players in your team, … for anything where a regular communication and collaboration takes place, really!

The combination of effective meetings, task tracking and a central archive for everything connected to a certain topic, will sort complexity, will make life easier.

yowork is designed to let you grow and master effective teamwork, to achieve the black belt in productivity in your team(s).

The Full Documentation

Start engineering your team's success!

Over time, you generate a unique and priceless collection of your workstream’s history. With all your important decisions, meeting protocols, files etc. You can look back on what has been achieved, you can re-engineer successes and learn, learn, learn as a team! If you do it right, you will become the most incredible, most productive and most successful team on planet earth!

All it takes is some guts to start using yowork at all and introducing in to your team. We made this quest incredibly easy for you with your personal FOREVER FREE account. Get to know us first, then implement a first workstream with one team, to finally unlock your productivity booster!

eningeering success in teamwork
Further Reading

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free account.

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    Presented by 7interactive GmbH
    Berlin, GERMANY
