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collaborate tools

Collaborate Tool – Team collaboration made easy

Whether you need to organize an idea, brainstorm with team members, or manage a project, you can use the best online collaboration tools. These tools have been gaining in popularity in recent years. They can be used to bring separate…

team commmunication application

Team Communication Software

Team communication software is an application that allows you to share and send files to other team members and communicate in real time. It also helps eliminate the need to schedule meetings and email each other. Faster communication among team…

collaboration software guide

Collaboration Software Buyers Guide

Collaboration software is a powerful branch of tools that allows teams to communicate with each other. It can help you collaborate on a project or in your daily workstreams, reducing the number of emails and other means of internal communication.…

how to start a meeting

How to start a meeting?

There are a variety of techniques for introducing a meeting. These include the use of icebreakers and questions that get everyone involved. A great way to visualize responses is to create a visual aid of the participants' contributions. If you…

zoom fatigue

Zoom Draining – What is it? How to avoid it!

Today, we are dealing with a rather new topic in team collaboration, we all know by now: Being tired of working from home, seeing your colleagues just as little squares on a screen. Although there are a trillion video communication…

asynchronous communication

Asynchronous Communication in Teams

You're not alone if you've ever wondered what asynchronous communication is. This article will explain what it is, why it's important, and how it works. In addition, you'll get an example of an asynchronous communication system and what it can…

decision meeting

Decision Meeting

What is a Decision Making Meeting? From throwing dices to hiring consultants, there are many ways of decision making in organizations. The best way, apparently, is to derive decisions from sound discussions, an evaluation of the facts and a good…


Micromanagement – and how to handle it

Micromanagement is an ambivalent management style where employees are closely supervised, and their work is constantly monitored. Most micromanagers tend to be overbearing and often interfere in their employees’ work. This can negatively affect both the employees and the company…

virtual team management

What Are Virtual Team Management Tools?

If you're running a team of remote workers, you'll need a way to keep track of all tasks and communicate easily. Many companies now use cloud-based applications to enable virtual teams to collaborate on plans and manage their contacts. They…

tired of working

Tired of Working

Remote work is a great way to make money, but it can also lead to stress and other common causes of burnout. Remote workers are often less likely to take time off, which can lead to the onset of remote…

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